If you’ve dealt with acne as a teenager, you’ve likely been told not to worry as it will pass with time and you won’t have to worry about it as an adult. Fast forward to years later when you’re well into your adult years and you suddenly get acne. What do you do?
At Nourish, we know that suffering with adult acne can result in a number of negative emotions such as embarrassment and low self-esteem. Rest assured, we are here to help you understand and deal with this uncomfortable issue. Keep reading to find out some of the most common reasons you may be experiencing adult acne.
First off, your hormones may be the reason for this change in your skin. Whether it’s fluctuations in reproductive hormones or stress hormones, a hormonal imbalance is more than likely to cause breakouts. Dealing with this may require the help of a professional such as a doctor but doing things to reduce your stress levels is thankfully something you can work on yourself. Secondly, consider your external environment such as pollution and products you use to care for your skin such as moisturizer, mask, etc. Both air pollution and the wrong type of products can contribute to adult acne. Unfortunately, moving may not be an option but using products that help shield your skin from air pollution certainly is. Furthermore, how you use the products you have may also be an issue. Specifically, if you wash your face too much, that will result in drying out the skin and as a response to that, your body will produce more oils to compensate the dryness thus, clogging your pores. Finally, you are what they eat as they say so your diet plays a big role in what your skin looks like – not just on your face but even all over your body! You’ve likely heard that eating too much sugar and foods high in carbohydrates can cause breakouts but surprisingly, so can overconsumption of other foods such as dairy and iodine. That said, it’s best to identify which foods may be contributing to your adult acne using a food journal and then taking corrective action such as reducing and/or eliminating those foods.
If you find that despite your best efforts you still suffer from adult acne, we’ll be able to help! Here are Nourish, we offer an effective and natural solution which combines using top quality products both at our spa and your home and delivers proven results in less than 30 days! For more details, head over to our offering titled “The Organic Answer to Acne” or if you’re feeling more adventurous, go ahead and schedule your free acne consultation by clicking here.